“Caroline was one of the first copyeditors I ever worked for and after 20 years is still the best. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for proofing or copyediting.”

—Ta-Nehisi Coates



In general, you can expect to pay for quality, and in my case you are paying for decades of experience and exception editorial acumen. I have had a lot of questions about the rates chart viewable at the Editorial Freelancers Association’s website. Please note that that chart was populated with data gathered from a member survey; the EFA’s membership includes editors who are just starting out and editors in countries other than the United States.

Because I don’t like surprises, and I can’t imagine any client does, I usually opt to charge a flat fee per project. When you contact me, I will ask to see your piece or a part thereof (not a book’s first chapter, which I find authors have usually polished to perfection) and take a few days to come up with an estimate. Because the definitions of editing categories overlap, it won’t matter if you call my work a line edit and I call it a heavy copyedit; what will matter is that we agree on the value added, as well as a reasonable deadline.