

“Caroline started as a copyeditor and became a valued thought partner. Caroline does so much more than check my work! From my weekly newsletter to my latest book, Caroline has made contributions to the flow, clarity, consistency, and quality. Her attention to detail boggles the mind! It’s unprecedented, but I look forward to receiving Caroline’s edits—because I will learn something, and my work will improve demonstrably."

Tisha Schuller
CEO of Adamantine Energy and author of Real Decarbonization

“I was introduced to Caroline by a mutual friend in 2020, the year of the ‘Great COVID Lockdown.’ I have to admit, entrusting her with my book when unable to meet in person was not an easy thing to do. In retrospect, it was the best decision I have made since penning An Early Adolescence. I’m new to this world of writing. This market is a tough nut to crack, especially if no one is helping you. Thank goodness for Caroline’s superb technical skill. Even more important were her words of encouragement and support. She was the first person who made feel as if I could do this. Thank you, Caroline. I am so grateful for everything. You are the angel on my shoulder.”

—Mike Fisher
                                                                                                            Author of An Early Adolescence 

“I am close to completing a book-length manuscript that pertains to colonial printing history, and I hired Caroline to review the chapter that I plan to submit to publishers. Caroline’s edit was remarkably thorough. She provided me with strong historical analysis and fact checking as she corrected my usage, my style, and my prejudices. From beginning to end, Caroline offered numerous corrections that softened my tone, whether fussy or abrupt, while keeping my voice intact. I am humbled by her effort; she has taught me much about writing.”

—Stuart McKee
associate professor of design, University of San Francisco

“Whether you’re working on a book or a blog post, you want Caroline Schweiter on your side. Caroline is a tireless editor who zooms in on problem areas and addresses them with questions and suggestions that are always on point. She’s an exacting line and copy editor, too—you won’t have to worry about incorrect grammar! Whenever I worked with Caroline, I often couldn’t tell that someone else had touched my copy at all. With one exception: It was much better.”

—Tricia Olszewski
film critic and editor

“I can’t think of a story that I wrote while at Washington City Paper that wasn’t improved or even saved by Caroline’s superior copyediting and empathetic editing. She worked long hours to make sure that my copy read clean and that each element of the story made sense and was backed up by the reporting. Editing isn’t her job. It’s her calling.”

—Jason Cherkis
reporter, Huffington Post

“Caroline Schweiter is an infinitely brilliant and all-seeing editor—of investigative copy, of political copy, of arts copy, of polemical copy, of column copy. I worked with Schweiter for years at the Washington City Paper, where she served as a bulwark against defects of any sort appearing in our weekly newspaper and website. As our copy chief, she not only had a command of grammar, style, logic, and all the other stuff that someone in her capacity was required to have, but she also brought a much higher level of awareness to our journalism. I have never met a journalist who wouldn’t benefit—right away, in significant ways—from her editing and general guidance.”

—Erik Wemple
media critic, Washington Post
 former editor in chief, Washington City Paper

“Caroline’s knowledge of language, style, and mechanics is an asset to anyone she works with. She is a skilled editor who draws on a combination of experience, training, and instinct to bring out the best in a story—and in its author. Caroline taught me to dig deep to find out what a writer is trying to say and how best to help them say it.”

—Jennifer Agresta
editor and researcher

“Caroline Schweiter is by far the best editor with whom I’ve worked. Her vision, exactitude, and great suggestions helped turn ordinary stories into excellent ones. This would not have happened without her unflagging patience and kind support, innate organizational sense, knack for knowing the exact way to say a thing, and uncanny ability to separate the essential from the superfluous.

The editing process is almost always a painful one for the writer. Such was never the case with Caroline. She brought out the best in me, and I’ve missed her magic editorial touch on innumerable occasions over the years since we parted ways. Caroline is an editor par excellence.”

—Michael Little
freelance journalist

“Caroline is a scrupulous, thorough editor who knows how to walk the line between what’s correct and what’s current. She improves any project she touches and inspires others to raise their game. Just knowing she was on the job made me more attentive to my own work. She is that rare editor who has rigorous standards yet knows how to make writing sing.”

—Glenn Dixon
freelance writer, Washington Post, New York Times, Smithsonian, Art issues.Artforum
former arts editor, Washington City Paper

“Caroline’s editorial wisdom for both letters and intent is critical scaffolding for anything she works on. I have so many times seen Caroline patiently work with unruly copy to civilize it, and civilized copy to make it perfect. As a younger editor, I thought I had earned confidence as a hygienist in a journalism operation, but I really became one by working with Caroline. Because of her generosity and all-around funness to work with, I am harder about asking, ‘Is this right?’ but also about finding the right construction, choosing the correct preposition, and knowing the difference between ‘while,’ ‘whereas,’ and ‘although.’”

—Bradford McKee
editor, Landscape Architecture Magazine
 former arts editor, Washington City Paper

 “An editor must know when to get out of a writer’s way. A writer once said to me about Caroline, ‘My stuff is always better after she’s read it.’ I can only add that ‘better’ meant a lot: tighter, sturdier, and smarter; more precise, more nuanced, and more persuasive—and correct down to the last en dash.”

—Leonard Roberge
independent book editor
former arts editor, Washington City Paper